3 Tips for Bounty



Dare to Think Big. Imagine how it looks like living your Dreams.

1 Think Positive

Keep Your Good Vibes.

Dare to Think Big to attract more of these Good Vibes flowing to you. Imagine how it looks like making a Living from your Passion.

It may be Arts, Cooking, Dancing.

Your Inner Child helps you to reconnect to the activities that make your Heart Sing.

Start painting again, dancing…

Doing that special thing that nourishes Your Soul. Glow Your Light again.

Where are you focusing your energies? Your life stream.

You can shift Timelines Right Now.


2 Be Grateful

To attract more of that Bounty, go to Nature's Spaces to flow in that Vibes

Just try one day. Tell yourself: β€˜Today it's going to be a good day’

I am going to make this day to be a good day for me.

Just empty your cup to be open to receive all this bounty around.

Meditation can help you to clear your mind and be firmly grounded on your physical body to feel your Soul Presence on this mindful state. To tune in this Om Resonance, animals expand on their songs.

We live on planet Earth; you just have to watch this image from the forest on the Amazons. All this bounty that our Cosmic planetary mother Gaia offer us. We all live under this electromagnetic field that we call gravity on planet Earth. We live immersed on this bounty.

Sometimes we just block with our human programming the way it should be this natural Abundance Flow.

One thing that we saw four years ago when we were forced to be in our house for this 2020 lock down, is that all the animals step forward to show us the way.

Here in Canary Island, where I live for example and all over the planet, the animals came back to this natural flow of bounty. We saw whales going so close to our Harbor because they knew after some months that there wasn't any human interference, no more ships traffic, interfering with their Sonar, with the way they bio locate on the ocean. So, they will come closer to us because they're walking with us on this bounty experience.

From Now on, we can pay attention when we awake, if you have a little tree or a garden nearby, to listen to the birds singing. They are grateful, they give thanks each morning for all this bounty.

They can feel it because they are tuned to this magnetic life force.

We just have to tune to this resonance, to set a peaceful mindset for the day.

This electromagnetic life force grid that surrounds us, that Kryon announced itself, as it is this electromagnetic network of life force around us. It may himself be known all over the planet through Lee Carroll.

It is an intelligence, the Prana solar photon consciousness of this life force all around the planet.

So, now you know it thanks to Lee Carroll and other channels, that we all live on this Bless, on this life force electromagnetic consciousness that support us in its Abundance, so if you step away from your mindset programming, that Natural Light flow will come naturally to you. It connects Us All.

We just have to empty ourselves from all this old programming that no longer serves us.

When you empty your mind cup, it will be filled Again by the Universe, and the universe is Abundance.

Just see what happens when you let a garden without us interfering on its wild Nature. All kind of new flowers will sprout, they will come out spontaneously. So let the universe bring that blooming flourishing on you again.

So, the first tip is Positive thinking to flow with this natural Bounty.

The second tip is to be grateful like all animals: the birds singing, the dolphins jumping on the ocean…

We all have a Heart Space flower opening to receive these blessings around us.

We all have this lesson sown to us on Earth Academy by all animals, minerals, flowers realms… They tell us to open our heart space, our body, our mindset to receive these gifts.

Just give it a try, don't expect nothing today.

Try to go to this Zero point: don't expect fearful things to happen.

Imagine as if it where Sunday today, and all week long, free from worries. feel it as Sunday, a day to rest, for self-care and enjoyment.

Just don't expect bad things to happen to you today.

It would be better to expect good things to come our way, maybe it is easier for starting shifting lower mindset just try not to project in front of you, expectations from survival mode. Simply, go around and see what happens on this open mindset to receive, out of this obsolete survival programming that is not serving us anymore.

Don't worry if something challenging might happen. Your innate survival instinct will activate itself because you're always supported by the universe and by the Soul Solar Angel you are on the other side of the Collective lower consciousness veil.

So just Trust that if something unexpected might happen, that Solar Angel will take care of you.

3 See the Beauty Around πŸ’•

We can do it from here on.

Just be open to receive all bounty you deserve from Universe and observe what happens on this positive mindset. Start today from this Neutrality Zero Point, open as a flower to receive and be grateful to receive more and more…

Maybe you can walk out and be aware that you are receiving these birds singing around, welcoming you.

Did you pay attention today to stop and listening to Source signals?

Feel that Joy, smell the roses, just see the flowers around.

There always be something around you reminding you that natural way of being. That this planet is full of blooming life force of bounty.

You just have to let it happen on your life and be open to receive it. Focus on Earth’s Beauty, because Beauty is close to Bounty, is the same Vibe, the same frequency.

In this way, Earth Beauty reminds you on the unconscious level of Earth Bounty. Make it conscious on your mind, tuning to receiving that flow, like water falls filling you up with all this joy.

Thus, if you pay attention, you will realize that you are always under the Cosmic Mantle of these water falls pouring down in the shape of the solar rays.

The Sun comes there each morning even if the clouds are there. The sun is behind the clouds of the Collective lower fear.

Each night you have the Stars reminding Us that We have this Crystalline Flames, this solar rays in the shape of the Sun or the Moon light. You always have life force streaming from Source through the Sun or through the Stars.

So be open to receive that Light, water falls of solar rays pouring to clear yourself from the old programming. You always have this Prana bounty falling on you through the solar rays, so be open to receive it.

The Awakening process is becoming Conscious that you are receiving more and more of that goodness that lady GAIA offer us each day.

I wish you a nice day.

If you are interested in watching the YouTube video on this topic, I include the link.




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