It is Time to Realign to Source to manifest All that you deserve.

I will further explain now the Secret sparkle that ignites the Universe Law of attraction to fulfil all your higher Dreams.

You have manifested this message for You today as a reminder that it is your Time NOW to embody Your Best Diamond Self, to embrace all the Bounty Universe has for you.

To get down of that old work system loop.

Most people spend their lives just passing by them, going to the office, sometimes having more than one job to get to the end of the month.

Exhausted like prisoners on that draining loop.

Some even had heard of the Law of attraction but it doesn’t seem to work for them.

They are just not in resonance with it, in the right vibration to be in alignment.

You attract what you broadcast outside.

Universe will confirm your Unconscious mind in a boomerang effect to match your thoughts.

So, you first have to detach from all negative fear survival triggers. Sit with yourself for some minutes each morning & night before to go to bed to review the day energy mood.

Feeling is the Secret. To become that abundance emotion you want to receive, you first have to believe it!

Learn to Love yourself.

Train your mind to only focus on Self Love & Respect thoughts. Until You Become it.

Universe is willing to please your wishes to cocreate with you in Manifesting your secret wishes. Your best Dreams.

The Mind doesn’t distinguish about ‘bad or good’ thoughts.

That it is just a judgement perception. It Just follows your indications, bringing you back what you hold as truth on your mind and amplifying your overall vibration.

However, we have been conditioned to work like slaves in a job system that only benefits a few, and that it hasn’t changed for years. We are not in those obsolete industrial times anymore…

So, take a long-detached look to that old black and white programming running on your Unconscious mind and hit the ‘delete’ button right Now.

Reset it to a Conscious plan designed by your Present Awareness to bring You all the freedom time, the Love and financial freedom that You deserve.

Take back your sovereignty.

You are a Soul having a Human experience.

In a Relaxed Present Mind, you can realign to your Higher self, the Best of You. Your Soul at Source, shining your original colours, singing the inner music that makes your heart sign.

Join ‘Zen Bounty Vibes’ Resonance.

Hold it in your mindset.

Ask & Receive.

There is an infinite supply of love as long as you ask for more love, same for peace, same for money…

So, first step: keep your mind clear and focused on outcomes that will bring you happiness.

Second step: feel it!

That is the Magic Key to open the Instant Manifestation door.

You cannot receive higher levels of love if you don’t love yourself, if you don’t give it, if you don’t feel it, if you don’t allow yourself to BE it in order to receive it.

You have to Become Love First.

Embody it, to match the same frequency.

Give it to Yourself First. Fill Your Cup so you can share it later.

Attune to Bounty frequencies.

‘Money’ was created in order to be an exchange tool.

Old belief programming on Survival fear mechanism distorts it to ‘work hard to earn it’ The word Money triggers in us fear connotations of scarcity in an obsolete corruption system.

Detach from that rigid conception of ‘hardness’ on money resources. Shift it on your mind as ‘an exchange tool’, energy moving…

Flow in that new mindset frame to be open to receive it.

Change Your inner dialogue and Show Yourself as available for the business of your dreams. Envision your Soul Tribe joining you in your Self-love Path as clients and the healing tools & resources you may use coming your way.

Just Step Forward in Your Soul I AM Presence.

Let the Universe Know that You are NOW available for receiving All the Bounty you deserve.

Made a Self-Soul commitment RIGHT NOW to fulfil your purpose

Embody Source in action through YOU.

Realign to Your Soul that is vibrating on Cosmic Father’s frequency pouring in All the goodness that You deserve as birthright.

Empty Your self from all previous heavy baggage to let your body & mind, be open to Receive.



Ariadne’s World


Join ‘Zen Bounty Vibes’ wave