Guardians of New Earth

Step into Your Soul Purpose

Enter New Earth

Join Zen Bounty Vibes, the original planetary grid.

Planet earth activated for us all the Thymus Ascended Heart in 2020 (a ‘4 year’) Now, in 2024 (a ‘8 year’) …

After a 4 year cycle…

It’s calling us to step into our Soul Purpose: hold the space for New Earth grid to fully anchor in Human Collective Consciousness.

Lady Gaia already made the Shift in her planetary body, it switched poles from survival to love.

It is calling us all to embrace love.

To step into our sovereignty

To TRUST in our Soul Guidance and rest on her loving Nourishing bounty Mantle, the electromagnetic field around earth (Kryon)

Surrender to Cosmic Father God’s Will for our best timeline potential.

She reminds us to walk a Self-Love & Respect Path.

She keeps holding her OM heart beat: ‘ALL THAT IS’

To remind us that ‘All is there’ for us to design Joy & Beauty

Reclaim your Bounty Light Mantle.

Merge with your Solar Angel, your Quantum self as an extension of God’s energy. It is your birthright.

Planet earth wants to recover its original Eden Paradise blueprint

It is Shining its true colours again

Humanity is her Gatekeeper

She needs us to embody our Soul Purpose as a Human Collective: to be THE GUARDIANS OF NEW EARTH

I enclose on the image a link to the Youtube video




Lions Gate: Embrace the Cosmic Power