Shift from 3D to 5D

We are Releasing obsolete systems from old 3D cycles that no longer serve us.

Relationships toxic dynamics in all aspects of stressful jobs, partnerships & 3D triggering Fear Survival Threads.


Soul Tribes are Coming Together. Smaller local communities of same frequency values like artists, handcraft people, Cook lovers and so on…


The Stronger Solar & Lunar Eclipses on this Year will dissolve the Veil of illusion from fear survival old programming that we still pass from father to child since Our Ancestors Experiences.

However, Our Ancestors living circumstances are long ago gone.


This Eclipses Shift and Intense Solar Flares pouring from the sun will release forever 3D illusion Veil.

After a time of readjusting to these higher Solar frequencies, All Solar Beings on Earth will Glow their Soul Essence radiation stronger.

A New Way of life for All Tuning in New Golden earth will unfold.

Glowing Light All around You Radiating into the Cosmos.


It’s a Time to Rest & Integrate.

We are in a time of ending cycles not working in order to attune to the Golden loving Frequencies of New Earth.

It’s a period of Resting, taking time for Self-Care to integrate these energies in the healing Ascension process.

Drink a lot of water together with nourishing foods for your cells to reactivate in its full glory and clean our bodies from all this toxic old energy field


And overall Self Love, learn to put Self Respect limits to external interference with distractions from our Best Potential golden Path aligned to our Purpose.


Create The World for Yourself that You wish to see around.

Kirsty Montgomery

Hi, I’m Kirsty!

The designer behind Kirsty M Design.

I love small businesses and working with business owners to build websites that support their dreams is such an awesome part of my job! Why let the huge faceless corporations have all the fun (and the money)? Your small business can make a huge difference but it needs a smart website to support it.

KF News


The gift you offer yourself