Signs you are Transitioning into a Crystalline- based Light Body

Light Body: Signs of Transition to a Crystalline Body

Have you felt unexplained physical discomfort recently? This could be part of spiritual ascension, a process in which our body transitions into a crystalline structure, raising its vibration and expanding consciousness towards a greater connection with the divine. So, be patiently caring with yourself

What is a Crystalline Body?
A crystalline body is one that has raised its vibration, allowing more light or cosmic energy to be integrated and channeled. In this state, the body's cells become more subtle and less dense, facilitating a deeper connection to universal consciousness.

The Transition to a Crystalline Body

This change is not only physical, but also energetic. It involves the purification of blocked energies and accumulated toxins, both in the physical and emotional body. As the vibrational frequency increases, various symptoms are manifested that signal this transformation.

Symptoms of Transition

  • Release of Blocked Energy: Physical pains and sensations of heat or cold indicate the purification of dense energies. Just observe and hold your inner child as a loving parents will do.

  • Back Pain: Reflects the alignment of the spine with new frequencies. It is merging with a Pillar of Light, it holds the chakra energy vortexes expanding, so be patient with the growing process

  • Detoxification Symptoms: Rashes, sweating, and emotional release are signs of purification of the body.

  • Emotional Disorders: Emotional fluctuations indicate the inner cleansing necessary to raise the vibration.

  • Changes in Behaviour: New interests and withdrawal from people or situations that no longer resonate with the new frequency. Toxic people will just go away when you embody a more loving resonance that will magnetize your Soul Tribe.

  • Connection with the Higher Self: Greater sensitivity to subtle energies and spiritual guidance

  • Extreme Fatigue: The body needs to rest to integrate new energies. Drink more water & healthy foods

  • Living Dreams: Intense dream experiences that reveal aspects of your Soul Path

  • Dizziness: They point to energy recalibration. We are shifting poles from fear to Sovereign Love

  • Loss of Identity and Memory: Disconnection with previous identity by aligning with a higher consciousness.

  • Out-of-Body Phenomena: Indicative of the expansion of consciousness into the multidimensional.

The ascension into a crystalline body is a profound process that requires self-care and openness. Although challenging, it promises a deeper connection to the Universal Source and a life filled with purpose and light.

Be open to receive the Light of your Soul shining your original true colours as a Butterfly

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