Exploring the Ancient Practice and Its Modern Benefits

Yoga, an ancient practice originating in India over 5,000 years ago, has evolved into a global phenomenon embraced by millions. Rooted in the Sanskrit word "Yuj," meaning to unite or integrate, in this Union with God Soul Presence inside, Yoga harmonizes the body, mind, and spirit through a series of physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation.

SHIVA is considered the founder of Yoga.

An Energy extension of Cosmic Father God itself floating in the Serenity of his Ocean Consciousness in mindful Meditation, showing us the Real Soul Path inwards.

This holistic practice not only enhances physical strength and flexibility but also promotes mental clarity and emotional balance. From reducing stress and anxiety to improving cardiovascular health and overall well-being, yoga offers a myriad of benefits for practitioners of all ages and fitness levels. Join us as we delve into the transformative power of yoga and discover how it can enrich your life.


You need to support yourself in holding higher balancing frequencies attuned to New Earth Bounty Field: its original Paradise blueprint Aura.

Train Your mind to focus only in the good things you wish to manifest in your daily lives.

Walk in Nature to keep yourself balanced; it regenerates the electromagnetic field around us: the Aura.

We are always bathed in Solar rays which are there, above the Collective Consciousness veil clouds, bathing You in Your Soul Presence at Source that ignites the solar seed sparkle that makes our heart beat, that is Source Presence in Us, in our threefold Flame.

You literally reconnect to your Soul Presence at Source, once you realise this truth, that you are an extension of God electromagnetic field on an organic body.

Sunflowers remind us that all beings bathe on this Prana solar photonic mantle and nourish from solar rays, since Our Solar Light bodies are the frame that resets the best potential imprint for our physical body.

All is Energy flowing through all living beings

We are made of atoms activating our organic cells to conform Beauty & harmony as a reflection of this Omniscient Presence of Divine Consciousness.

You just have to sit a few minutes each morning with Your Own Soul Presence to reset your mindset, until you finally really feel it and embody your full sovereign Presence as a Soul on a Human Mantle.

It is good for our health to hear the balancing sound of the birds resonating in gratitude for a new day to come, the caress of the breeze, the harmonising sound of running water in the river, crickets in the garden at sunset...

So, hold that Soul Presence Space to set a peaceful mood for the day each morning.


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Ariadne’s World