In a Human Mantle


Embodying Your Solar Quantum Self

Made Your Passion A Life from Your Soul Presence

You are a Unique vessel for Your Soul Solar Angel. An extension of Source Cosmic body. You Embody as an Ocean drop the Whole Universe in your Unique Way. God’s solar rays, literally are the photonic atoms that ignite your electromagnetic heartbeat. God’s Life force always streaming to You, Pouring all kind of blessings.

Your Soul is guiding the way

Allow your Soul to be Present, Guiding You.

Listen to your inner Voice in your guts. Awakening to your Best Self.

Detaching from the Collective humanity lower consciousness slaving paradigm. Give Yourself permission to receive the Unique Universe You are. Embodying Source in action. Trusting your Soul team’s Guidance that will bring you the tools and people connections to walk with you on This New Self Love Path hand to hand with Your Solar Self.

When you are ready Your Inner Master will step forward in several forms, as people, signals, healing tools…

Shift the way you see money

We have been conditioned to view money energy as a manipulation distorted frequency. It is just an energy, requalify it Right Now to its original abundance blueprint. Bounty blessings are in Love frequency of Source, All That is. Prana photonic atoms is where All possibilities came from. They will rearrange in your Aura to conform in your external reality your New Awakening Thoughts realigned to Cosmic Mantle Source in Oneness. Infinity Bounty is this planet Natural Law.

There is an infinity supply of Love that you deserve through the Solar rays. Even highly increasing Today on the Solar Flares! Source is supporting our highest good.


That is what Ascension Mastery is all about, to create & unfold a higher Quantum version of you, Your Best Solar Self.

Embody your Soul real self, Connect to ALL THAT IS

You can watch the YouTube video down below:


Join β€˜Zen Bounty Vibes’ wave
